Hey everyone! I'm here to announce a new giveaway that I've been hosting with Marsquest on my instagram account and the rules are really simple to enter!!
All you have to do is tag 3 friends on my instagram post and follow @Marsquest for a chance to win a pair of polarized sunglasses from Marsquest!✨ðķ✨
There will be 3 winners!!!
This contest is open worldwide!
One entry is allowed per person but for a bonus entry you can regram or share this image & tag me!ððž Close date: Tuesday November 21st at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time. This draw will be random and I will announce the 3 winners on Wednesday November 22nd! Stay tuned and good luck to all!
I'm also having another mini local giveaway to the Guelph, Toronto and GTA residence. When they can win one of my favourite handpicked pairs. One extra person can win a pair by commenting ð or ðķ on this instagram post here.
Bonus entry for following @Marsquest on instagram too.
I will announce this winner the same day.
About Marsquest
-founded in Toronto in 2016!
-Superior quality eyewear at reasonable prices to customers!
-Polarized lenses!
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